Addition And Subtraction Math Games For 1st And 2nd Grade
Gameschooling math makes our homeschool more fun, and I find games to be the perfect reinforcement for learning math facts.
You can read my math games blog post here (more games there than in this video):
Leave me a comment if you have another fun math game not listed here! I’d love to try it out, and it’ll also help others reading the comments.
Homeschool blog resource page:
Game links below are affiliate links:
Sums in Space:
Even Stevens Odd:
Math Noodlers:
Math Dice Jr. game in small blue bag:
I Sea 10:
Sleeping Queens:
Clumsy Thief Candy Shop (making pairs of 20):
Clumsy Thief Junior: (making paris of 10):
Clumsy Thief (adding to 100):
Check the Fridge (adding to 25):
Mathable Deluxe:
Architecto (a building game using 3d shapes):
Addition Facts That Stick (6 weeks, 6 math games):
Math games on my wish list:
Tri-facta addition and subtraction (practices number bonds!):
Such great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
I recommend also Robot Turtles board game. Not math, but good introduction to logic and programming concepts.
So many of these are new to me, and I can't wait to try them out with my two kids! We love love Yahtzee and Sleeping Queens already. I think a few of these my kids would be really excited about ☺ Thanks for sharing these! We love adding new games!