Choppy Orc Walkthrough 15 levels Cool Math Games -

Choppy Orc Walkthrough 15 levels Cool Math Games

Puzzle Walkthrough
Views: 67946
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A green orc with an ax must save all his friends from the dungeon. Someone put them in a chest, and now they need to be saved from there. An orc can throw an ax, and if the ax is stuck in a wall, the orc can jump on it. In addition, on some levels there are ghosts that cannot be killed, but can be neutralized for a while by slamming an ax into the totem. The game has only 15 levels, but they are logical, interesting and sometimes difficult.


  1. Because of your popups, I cannot see the final level, which is the only one I actually need help with.

  2. 2021 and coolmathgames is still kicking! anyway thx

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