Fun After School Active Math Games -

Fun After School Active Math Games

Center for the Collaborative Classroom
Views: 83873
Like: 137
The AfterSchool KidzMath program (grades K–2 and 3–6) is a mathematics enrichment program designed specifically for out-of-school settings, though it is also successful in the classroom. It uses cooperative games and storybook-based activities to promote mathematical understanding and social development.

Children develop mathematical skills, gain confidence in their mathematical abilities, increase their enjoyment of mathematics, and improve their ability to work with others. The program, which is aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards, offers considerable support for after-school staff.


  1. I would love to incorporate this into a classroom setting. I love how there's a whole kit. Fun!

  2. Amazing vids! started doing some mobile games myselve, what do you think?

  3. Teachers should be doing this during the school day! Most children are kinesthetic (movement) and visual learners. Teaching should not be so much sitting down and lookin at worksheets. Kids need to see how maths works in the real world and with all subjects it needs to be fun and engaging. It's amazing how the teachers did not realise that way the curriculum is being taught is the problem

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