Webinar: Playful Math—How to Teach Essential Concepts with Fun Mathematical Games - monstrousmath.com

Webinar: Playful Math—How to Teach Essential Concepts with Fun Mathematical Games

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On May 2, 2018, NAEYC presented a webinar on playful math. Watch this webinar for fun games that preschoolers love to play—and that teaches important mathematical concepts (like categorization, cardinality, and one-to-one correspondence). We also explore why early math matters, activities with clear learning goals, and how to use games to develop mathematical thinking and positive attitudes.

The speakers of this webinar were: Deborah Stipek (Heising-Simons Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) Network), Jessica Young (EDC), and Kristen Reed (EDC).

Learn more about our upcoming webinars and view archived presentations at


  1. The Little Engine That Could, Teaching children that being successful is possible, It is possible to reach their goals and that it may hard at first but if they continue trying with scaffolding from a supportive teaching team the task will get easier and they will be able to be successful building positive self esteem

  2. I totally agree that math up through high school should be problem-based and not based on one way to do things. We need to keep the creativity in school past preschool.

  3. Penelope Harris I work with K-l-2 grades Spec. Education

  4. PRESCHOOL and after schòol group of kimdergartners.

  5. Children from 3-5 years old. Preschoolers

  6. Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day.

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